This study aims to determine the effect of Work Motivation and Employee Compensation on Employee Performance at PT Sinar12 Bukit Barisan, Bogor Regency. This study uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires and library/literature data. The population in this study were 50 employees. The sample used was 50 employees using Saturated Samples. The data analysis used is validity test analysis, reliability test, classical assumption test, simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, correlation coefficient test, determination coefficient test and hypothesis testing with the help of SPSS 25 software. The results showed that partially Work Motivation has a significant effect on Employee Performance, it can be seen from the correlation value of 0.774 where the value has a strong level of relationship. The coefficient of determination is 55.3%, while the remaining 44.7% is influenced by other factors. The t test results obtained a tcount value of 7.704 > t table 1.677 and significant 0.000 < 0.05. Employee Compensation has a significant effect on Employee Performance, it can be seen that the correlation value is 0.434 where the value has a low level of relationship. The determination value is 18.9% while the remaining 81.1% is influenced by other factors. The t test results obtained a tcount value of 3.340 > t table 1.677 and significant 0.002 < 0.05. Simultaneously Work Motivation and Employee Compensation have a positive and significant effect, this can be proven by the regression equation Y = 6,139 + 0,571 X1 + 0,251 X2, the correlation value of 0.769 means that the independent variables and related variables have a strong level of relationship, the coefficient of determination is 59.1% while the remaining 40.9% is influenced by other factors. Likewise, the results of the F test show the value of fhitung> fftabel of 33,995 > 3.20 and its significance is 0.000 < 0.05, which means that Work Motivation and Employee Compensation have a significant effect on employee performance at PT Sinar12 Bukit Barisan, Bogor Regency.
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