
  • Susi Apriyani Universitas Pamulang
  • Maghfiroh Yuniarti Universitas Pamulang


This research aims to determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance, to determine the effect of communication on employee performance, to determine the effect of leadership style and communication simultaneously on employee performance. The method used is associative quantitative. The sampling technique used was saturated using a sample of 92 respondents. Data analysis uses validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, correlation analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing. The results of this research are that leadership style has a sig of 0.000 < 0.05, so Ho1 is rejected and Ha1 is accepted, which means that the influence of leadership style is influential and significant on employee performance. communication has a sig of 0.000 < 0.05, then Ho2 is rejected, Ha2 is accepted, which means communication has a significant effect and influences employee performance. F count is 94.267 > 3.10, and sig 0.000 < 0.05, then Ho3 is rejected and Ha3 is accepted, which means that leadership and communication styles have a simultaneous and significant effect on employee performance. An effective leadership style and conducive communication will be able to improve employee performance.



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