This study aims to determine the influence of work discipline and work motivation on employee performance at CV Tenard Jaya in South Jakarta.. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with a descriptive approach. The sampling technique uses saturated sampling with a population of 34 employees. The results of the study showed that work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance with the regression equation Y = 19.272 + 0.476X1. The correlation coefficient value of 0.639 means that the two variables have a strong relationship. The determination value of its influence is 0.409 or 40.9%. Hypothesis testing obtained a calculated t value> t table or (4.702> 2.03693). This means that there is a significant influence between Work Discipline (X1) on Employee Performance (Y). Work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance with a linear regression equation of Y = 15.990 + 0.572 X2. The correlation coefficient value obtained is 0.810, meaning that the two variables have a very strong relationship. The determination value of its influence is 0.657 or 65.7%. In the hypothesis test, the tcount value> ttable or (7.824> 2.03693) is obtained. This means that there is a significant influence between Work Motivation (X2) on Employee Performance (Y). Work Discipline and Work Motivation have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance with a regression equation of Y = 14.999 + 0.086 X1 + 0.514 X2. The simultaneous correlation coefficient value obtained is 0.814, meaning that the two variables have a very strong relationship. The determination value of its influence is 0.441 or 64.1%. In the simultaneous hypothesis test, the value of f count> f table or (30.508> 2.03951) is obtained. This means that there is a significant simultaneous influence between Work Discipline (X1) and Employee Motivation (X2) affecting Employee Performance (Y) at CV Tenard Jaya.
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